Community Weavers and Movement Makers

People in this group will be female identifying humans starting small businesses, non-profits, advocacy or other groups. They will be seeking support of others at various stages of group development in being witnessed as they take the next scary step!
The fact is, what limits most female Community Weavers & Movement Makers is not a lack of talent!

Instead, it’s the self-doubts. It’s the stuckness. It’s the “who am I to take space/to get too big for my britches?” It’s the juggle of the multipassionate: career woman plus caregiver plus partner plus hobbies plus … well, ya gotta sleep somewhere.

It’s the belief we must multitask to the point of overwhelm. It’s the belief that we don’t have enough training. Time. Energy. Money. Grit.

It’s buying into the thought that I can get myself 50-70-90% there, but I can never figure out the right combination to get all the way there, and therefore must not be capable. Worthy. Enough.

Frankly, SO VERY OFTEN, it’s our personal life that blocks our business life (Trust me, I’ve been running this group intermittently since 2011 when I owned a yoga and wellness studio and guided wellness professionals in growing their fledgling businesses. It truly NEVER has been a lack of talent as the main conversation in these groups!!)

But who are you not to be all those things? You have SO MUCH TO OFFER!!

If you’ve done anything with me before, you know that I firmly believe in the potency of every individual, and this group is no different.

Let me start with this: if you are looking for a step-by-step guide for how to build your business, this is NOT the group for you. Certainly, we will be working on these things, but the fact is, you are resourceful and you know how to seek what you need (or if you don’t, you will ask and be ON IT).

Instead, we draw on the strengths of each of us so that we are all uniquely supported on our next steps NO MATTER how far along you are in creating your endeavor. We trust and source from within, and THAT’S the POWER OF A COMMUNITY OF POWERFUL WOMEN.
So how does this work then? This group has historically included:

• Networking—we all need “practice angels” that really know our strengths and will fill our practice while raving about us.

• Getting a deep understanding of one another’s businesses through experiences guided by group members (for example, a massage therapist might teach some self-massage for sitting at the desk working on your marketing, a hypnotist might guide a group hypnosis to help you focus, etc). This is not required, but has been a fun highlight of the group!

• Drawing on the talents of the group: for example, if many people are struggling with Instagram, but one person knows it well, we might spend half of the time together with them guiding a tutorial. 

• Pooling resources: No one knows Instagram? We can combine resources to bring an expert into the session.

• Community Weaver Spotlight: Receive focused assistance from a group of powerhouse women. Present a unique challenge you are having with your business. They will then ask questions and brainstorm possible approaches while you sit in receptive silence—absorbing the creative force of the people around you. This is a space where seeds are planted in ripe soil, opening you to new potential in terms of how you see your obstacles and potential next steps. You hear how others might proceed and imagine into what might work in your own community. In the end, you get to sort through the concepts and ask for clarification before committing to next steps. 

• Clearing emotional blocks using guided positive psychology, EMDR-based coaching strategies, somatic and deep listening skills, creative exploration, guided visualization, sharing and more guided by Renee and/or Jan Groenemann.



So, my question to you is:


Are you ready?